【SharePoint】Timeline format

2024/07/16更新: 再度確認したところ画像が表示されなかったので、getThumbnailImage演算子を利用して画像を表示するように変更しました。


I have previously added a timeline format sample to the PnP samples. However, in that added sample, an image could not be included in the description.


So I fixed so that an image can be included in the description, as shown above.

View requirements

The view must include these columns:

Column Name Type
Title Single Line Text
Description Multi Line Text
Image Image

Vertical Timeline Format Sample

Vertical Timeline Format Sample 1

Click on the circle to see the description.


Vertical Timeline Format Sample 2

The description is always displayed.


Vertical Timeline Format Sample 3

The description is always displayed. Also, the explanation is displayed alternately on the left and right.


Horizontal Timeline Format Sample

Horizontal Timeline Format Sample 1

Click on the circle to see the description.


Horizontal Timeline Format Sample 2

The description is always displayed.


Horizontal Timeline Format Sample 3

The explanation is always displayed. The description is always displayed, and alternates between the top and bottom.
